Sunday, March 9, 2025

Scavengers about to scavenge

 Click on this picture to see it larger. 

These are all of the teams in this year's adult scavenger hunt just before they received the elaborate instructions for the hunt. 



Here's a closer look at some of the contestants.












David was sporting a canhawk. 

 This crew was highly visible.


 Special props to the Disaster Snacks team who came as water bottle, trail mix, juice box, MRE, and granola bar.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Fresh Squeezed















Sarah and Kevin brought their new squeezer and a lot of beautiful oranges to Sunday brunch. So fresh, delicious, and fun.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Field of Ghosts Crew

Yeah, it was cold and wet and it snowed a bit. Nevertheless, these folks spent their afternoon removing the mysterious white plastic sheets and other crap from that field next to Hwy 80 just outside of Micaville.

Meanwhile, another crew was down in Micaville proper picking up all kinds of stuff left behind when the the waters receded.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


We're a little bit sorry if you had to wait a long time for your breakfast on New Year's Day. (Only a little bit because Dreams Die Hard is not a real restaurant, and it is a holiday after all; we hope you were having fun.) 

But, in our defense, these are the tickets that were waiting to go to the cooks at 10 AM--with two hours left and people streaming in. 

Evan makes the waffles (56 this year!) and keeps the tickets in order so--we hope--people get their breakfast in more or less the right order.

We're not sure how we ended up with three people who waited a really long time and hadn't gotten any food by 12:30 when we thought we had filled all the orders and were done. But we appreciate how nice you were about it and hope you enjoyed the waffles. 

It was definitely the biggest diner ever--over 200 served. Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 5, 2025















Julian teaching Ruby the finer points of the bagel schmear at the Dreams Die Hard Diner.