Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Blacks from the air

Evan got this fantastic picture of the Blacks while flying from Phoenix to Charlotte. It's worth clicking on it to see it bigger. I think I got the landmarks right, but someone will let me know if I didn't.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Saturday, February 3, 2018

David Sweats

Tal sent this dramatic picture of "David Wilson (fleece joker hat and all) sweating copper pipe in the attic of the Energy Xchange boiler building." Atomic Solar has been doing a huge hot solar hot water installation up there. Tal says, "Though hard to confirm, we think this installation is among the largest solar hot water systems in the state.
BTW, he calls the hat by its Canadian moniker, toque (pronounced tuke). It is, of course, a Miika special -- dating back to the time of Samarie's birth."