Sunday, April 26, 2020

Mike seeds the garden

Mike seeds the garden with praying mantis eggs. Some lucky person might be walking by when 100 perfect, tiny mantises come out all at once.


From Miika, an amazing purple plant, which Tal says is Peducularis, a.k.a. lousewort or wood betony. So, it's not all bad. We live in a world with lousewort!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wood Ducks

Michael sent this picture of a pair of wood ducks on their pond. He notes:  "Each year in April a pair of wood eucks comes to feed at the Fishbach's pond here in Celo. They are incredibly skittish and we must stay inside to observe them.  As soon as we go out, they bolt. We wonder if it is the same pair each year and we also wonder if anyone else sees Wood Ducks in Celo."

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Mobile Command

I didn't know we had one of these. Might come in handy in These Uncertain Times. I wonder who the commander is.

Glistening Blueberries

Miika sent this picture of a neighbor's attempt to minimize frost damage. It's going to be sad if the blueberries get kicked by frost, because they are having a magnificent bloom.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Thank you, mask woman

Nancy has been making masks for the Health Center. Lots of masks. Other folks have been making them, too, using these instructions. (Photo taken from 10 feet away.)

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Trying to get to the river

This little cabin on Grindstaff Road is just trying to get to the river, but those trees keep getting in the way.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

If a tree falls in the forest (or next to a gravel road)

When a tree falls, sometimes this happens.

Here it is again with Tammy shown for scale.