Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The sports section: The Burnsville Metric

The Burnsville Metric, Yancey's own 100 km bike ride, happened a few weeks ago. If you like bicycles or spandex, you don't want to miss the scene of all these riders on the square at 9 AM. This is Tim Evans on his ultra-cool recumbent, waiting for the ride to start.

See, you just don't see this kind of thing in Burnsville every day.

The event is not a race, but try telling that to these guys.

This is the nicely casual start. No gun, just Randy Raskin on a yellow stepladder waving his arm and saying something like, "OK, let's go."

Around the corner.

Down Main Street. There's Tim, still recumbent.

And here's Jim and Margie Haaga, in tandem.

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