Friday, October 22, 2010

Grokfeast at AMS

There's a nice account on a website called Mark's Daily Apple about a "Grokfeast" at AMS that was held back in September. The website invited folks all over the country to send accounts of their Grokfeast, these were put up for a vote; the prize was a cow. Well, all the meat that was once a cow, to be exact (this website is about "primal living"). According to to terms of the contest, a Grokfeast is a "primal feast" and has to involve "primal fun." AMS had a meal featuring local foods, some people wore funny clothes, and they played zoogle and boulder toss.

You can see more pictures, read all about it and see some videos of the games at Mark's Daily Apple.
(I stole this picture from that website.)

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