Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why Penland called off the parade

So, Penland was supposed to have the annual parade, ice cream, and fireworks extravaganza on Wednesday night (a day early because we have a scholarship auction on July 4). We had to call it off, because it was like this all day, and it didn't stop.


Katey Schultz said...


Unknown said...

Wow, Robin, that's a wonderful rain. It has been raining on Melrose Mountain, too, for three days and nights, steadily. Sometimes it gets v. exciting and windy, and then it settles into a foggy mist, and then again comes the light gray drizzle. I love this. It's inspired both writing and fiddling. Wonderful. Thank you for this view of what's happening at Penland!

Anonymous said...

Did you hang a few goats out to dry on the line at the top of the picture? They probably would rather you waited till the rain stopped, but cool idea. We'll definitely try it.