Sunday, May 8, 2016

How did this happen?

Bob Early sent me down Arbuckle Road to find this strange occurrence. How, one has to wonder, does a piece of tin roofing end up folded tightly over a branch fifteen feet off the ground?


emraskin said...

Treehouse: unclear on the concept.

Gigi and Popppy said...

Obviously, 'twas the Will 'o the Wind

Kimberly said...

It must have blown or somehow got onto the branch when it was smaller and as the tree grew it went right up with the tree. Similar to when you find a tree grown up with an old piece of machinery embedded into the trunk or around it. If the foreign object is light enough it rises right up with the tree as it grows. cool pic!

emraskin said...

A nice idea, but that isn't how trees grow. Branches don't rise with the tree, since trees grow upward only from their tips. See