Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Great Brenda Harvey

Many people gathered at the Friends Meeting a few weeks ago to remember Brenda Harvey. Brenda was an extraordinary person: she worked at the Celo Health Center for decades, she and Ken Harvey were married for more than 50 years and raised to marvelous children, Kennan and Tasha (who are no longer children); she was an athlete, a great friend and neighbor, a generous volunteer, a thinker, an astute reader of books, and a person one was always glad to run into.

The program for the memorial included this pair of pictures of the Harvey family.

Many people spoke eloquently about their relationship with Brenda and her many contributions to the community and to other people's lives. And Jeff projected a video that he and Margot made a few weeks before Brenda died.

Almost to the end, Brenda was part of a weekly dance group. After one of their sessions, Margot invited the women to her house and asked them to improvise movement to a wonderful song by The Avett Brothers while Jeff shot video. Jeff and Margot had previously recorded a group of Brenda's friends and family, including her two granddaughters, dancing to the song, and Jeff layered the two videos to make this beautiful collage.


3 Brasingtons & A Van said...

That was amazing! Tears are flowing...

gottschalk said...

That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.